Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MAYbe Some Wisdom?

going with the wind, wing-dingin'


The only month this year to begin on a Friday.

minimize expectation, maximize surprise

currentlylistening to (present auditory observation): a car alarm going off outside my window and has been for the past 10 minutes, refrigerator, hallway scuffling, train, cars, howling wind, howling monkeys (college students?) in Main Circle, my fingers typing, thee radio on thee internet

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If only!

Hanging out with Madonna's character in A League Of Their Own would be a dream.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Guardian Angels

In my dreams... The Four Tops are my guardian angels.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

the near future


and lobsters.


dreams of sames and opposites vol. 2


dr. tyrell from blade runner

dreams of sames and opposites vol. 1

bill the butcher


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alleyway Cuisine



Last night in my dreams Katherine, my dear sister, and I were hanging out in an urban alleyway in an unidentified city at night. I asked her if she wanted to go to the falafel stand around the corner. She said, "not really." I said we could share a falafel pita sandwich and she agreed. We ate it. It was delicious. Then I ate another. And another. Then I woke up.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Formalist Movement

FALL 2009

Featuring: Victoria Alexandra Marquette and James John Eischen III

Stand-Up Comedy

I will perform a stand-up routine come summertime.

'copter club

When I grow up (when I have monies), I will construct something similar except it will be shaped like a helicopter. I will sit in the pilot's seat, listen to music and smoke reefers by myself and/or with my closest friends.

I've been considering this for years.


Last night in my dreams Vassar brought a band to play called Creedence Clearwater Revival Revival. They wore red flannel shirts over gray hoodies (It was similar to the way Bizzinger looks when she is incognito). I hung out with them in a dark hallway on the fourth floor of Noyes House. Then I woke up.