Friday, May 15, 2009

Dreams of Sames and Opposites Vol. 4

Diana Ross and The Temptations

Mariah Carey* and Boyz II Men

*There was a time in my life when I just wanted to be Mariah when I grew up.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Instead of writing this final...

I want to be doing this.

Dear Daisy, I want to meet you.

My sister Katherine/Kat/Katalak/Kakie has a dog named Daisy who may or may not be part human. As a dog that grew up watching the Gilmore Girls, Daisy enjoys killing flies, cuddling, fetch, tug of war, hug of war, and meaty bones.

Rumor has it she is quite a good tango dancer and when she sees another dog on TV she goes "ape shit", bringing her toys up to the screen to play with it.

I have high hopes of meeting Daisy in the near future. I want to take on my roll as her kooky aunt Vicki.

Monday, May 11, 2009

a no dream night but...

my first work-related all-nighter. i've been working on this dern film since noon yesterday but all is well and i am fighting my sleepstinct.

first person in acdc at 7am= warm corn muffins, fresher coffee, and fresher service

taking a post-breakfast stroll all around campus=watching birds carry twigs to make new nests, loving thee warm weather and the cloudless sky, excited by the sparrows diving under the "betting bridge"(as it may have been called at one point in 1940 although Mrs. Daniels does not remember any such thing) then dancing with their little wings over sunset lake looking great, dewy toes, john dewey: seeing things quite literally in a new light.

brothers on wheels is almost done=coming to a theater near you: the rosenwald film theater, CDF, vassar college, ny, thursday @ 6pm.

Sunday, May 10, 2009