Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I feel like...

What if there was one more required class at Vassar College entitled, "I feel like..." and everything you said in class had to start with the phrase, "I feel like..."? And whatever followed that phrase could, but wouldn't necessarily have to, be related to what the person who spoke before said. And the professor would always respond "That's good," and then translate what you said so that the rest of the class can actually understand it.

...cuz, I feel like... that's what class is like anywayz.

Friday, February 19, 2010

JOURNAL! ...Journall!

Dear Web Blog,

Tomorrow is a Friday. Prepare for all weather conditions.

Be warned.


Dear Cyborg Journal (Nerd talk. Leave now if you have an allergy),

I suppose you could call it problematic(problemaddict) that I sat through all of Terminator 2: Judgement Day thinking that John (Not these names: Coltrane, Proctor, Smith, etc.) Conner was the father to himself. I don't know where I got that. but it only made sense at the time that this man from the future impregnated sarah conner with himself. i didnt know the truth then. so, i'm thinking, what is this? some sort of god fathering himself (jesus/redeemer/savior of mankind)type of deal? and that there are all of these freudian oedipal moments between john conner(son/jesus/oedipus) and sarah conner(mother/mary/jocasta)...especially when she says "i've always loved you, john". and I think it is on purpose, from james cameron. turns out, that just isn't the case. but I cannot get over the feeling of viewing this movie in such a mode of thought. it fucks with you. i swear it. i wonder if anyone else has ever watched terminator 2 under a similar train of thought. yeeeash. here i am trying to watch a simple action movie and i am stuck thinking in circles of what came first the chicken(father?) or the egg(son?).



I warned you.

On to the cyborg(tha govenator).

Question: Does he ever become human?

Answer: Maybe. When he says, "I know why you cry", you think he has become human. But. DO NOT BE FOOLED INTO THINKING HE IS ANY MORE THAN MACHINE. Then. "But, it is something I can never do." HE WILL NEVER CRY. Okay, so, no. The terminator will never be able to feel human emotion... maybe this is the thing that makes us essentially human? WHO KNOWS? ...ZIZEK? Our little Uncle Bob (Aaanuld) will only ever do what he is programmed to do. He is NOT human, despite his certified organic exterior. He is SUPERhuman (transcends emotion, only deals in reason and computation). Post human?

Termies is also ultra über masculine unlike other cyborgs we have seen (Robocop is feminized despite tough shell as his humane peen is replaced by a paltry and artificial gun and he/she/it is nursed back to health like a babe at the nip by the short-haired female police partner officer lewis. side note: the terminator and robocop are complete opposites as far as machine interior/organic exterior vs. organic interior/machine exterior goes).

We could also point out how gender roles have been reversed for sarah conner and her crazy buff arms... but it is 3:48am on a thursday and bed calls to me.
Be Warned. Yours, VickiVictoria.