Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Maddness: thoughts, quotes and dweams

it's on.

Quotes of the Day:
"You're from Vegas? Oh my god. I lived there for three years and then had to leave after I got addicted to crystal meth. Can I get you some water with your soup and sandwich?"
"Who needs soap-operas when you've got the 5:00 news in Vegas?"
"Feel free to steal wi-fi from Juliette's Cafe"
--The Wrapsody Deli Proprietor

"Somes calls me Susan, somes calls me Mary."
--Huck Finn, on repeat in my head.

"Why-thai, thai-o-toy-o-thai-thai. Rock-thai, thai-o-toy-o-thai-thai."
--Missy Elliot, "Work It", on repeat in my head.

This Morning's Interrupted REM Cycle Recall [DREAM SEQUENCE]:
A reefer with Irene. We decided to walk around town (not sure what town--a mix of NYC Chinatown, Albuquerque and Paris!!!). She decided to walk ahead and look at some street vendors. I stopped at a Mexican Restaurant to order an enchilada, but realizing that I needed to catch up with Irene and that I had already eaten right beforehand I told the waitress to cancel to order. Unfortunately, she had already put the order in and seemed a little put off. I ran out the door but felt kind of bad about it. I had to find Irene.

Oh! There she is, she's entering that huge restaurant over there. I better follow her. Okay, now I am inside. Why is she hopping over the bar? I hop over the bar. We are stoned. She hands me Jones Soda with an okay picture on it, and chugs one for herself. Why couldn't we have just ordered one instead of hopping over the bar and taking it for free? Now she's going in a back room. I follow her. It's another dining room with a huge projector in front of all the tables. She goes in front of the projector and starts performing but she's got the giggles. The patrons look confused. I get nervous and uncomfortable. IRENE! What are you DOING?

Wait. She's not giggling anymore, this is getting serious. The patrons are really into it. This is the most amazing performance I've ever seen. She knew what she was doing the whole time. Now she's turning into something but is still part Irene. Is she an Eva? Is this Neon Genesis? Or is she an avatar? Are we all avatars? Irene is controlling herself within my dream and I am just watching in amazement. Irene is having a lucid dream inside my non lucid dream. Everything I am doing is making sense in normal reality but she is proving to me that this is indeed a dream. Show's over. Everyone loved it!!! I loved it!!! Incredible. And then I woke up!

Recent Self Discoveries:
--I love cutting hair. It is like zen to me now. I gave someone a mohawk last night for the musical Rent, and it felt gooooooooood.

Recent Emoticon Discoveries:

--a great way to express how much you love rock n' roll. also good for hailing satan or a cab.

--pirate. think about it.

--Insensitive German and Intensive German. Which class sounds like more fun?
--Does Brigid Berlin love pugs more than Madd-dawg-cich-town?

--This is the film department not the DRAMA department.
--Thanksgiving, leave your diets and your deities behind.

1 comment:

  1. VICKI! This dream is the funniest thing ever. I wish it were real.
